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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday Weight In ~ Week 9

Well, it is that time of the week again!  Wednesday Weigh In.  Please excuse the sad cell pic this week.  It was earlier than usual when I took this pic and it was a little dark.  These pictures are such an encouragement to me as I can see the weight coming off.  Yay!

Week 9 ~ February 29
Lost this Week ~ -1.4 lbs
Overall Lost ~ -13.6 lbs

Looking forward to next week!  This has been a good week as far as excercise and eating, but Jacob's birthday is tomorrow and I'm a little worried that the cake from Mountain Edge Cakes is going to be too much to resist!  Kim's cakes are always beautiful and delicious!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Training Tuesday ~ Couch to 5K

It's been nearly 9 weeks since I went to the gym to find them closed and determined that now would be a great time to try that running program I heard about a while back.  First of all, let me say that I am not a runner, but I dream of being a runner.  There is something fascinating about being able to go out for a run and come back feeling like your body has been worked and pushed. 

So, on January 4, 2012, I began the Couch to 5K program with high hopes and big expectations.  The first week of running 60 seconds and walking 60 seconds, I thought I was going to just pass out in the middle of the living room.  Looking ahead to the 5 and 8 minute runs looked nearly impossible.  And I thought they were joking when they mentioned a 35 minute run at the end.  Um, there is no way! 

Well, it is possible and can be done.  Here are some tips and things that I have learned:

  • Stick with it!  The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, but you have to keep biting. 
  • Start slowly.  If you are not able to run the whole time the Couch to 5K says to, slow down.  Try running slower.  When I started, it was the saddest slowest jog ever.  I could walk faster than I could jog.
  • Make it part of your routine.  Look at the day ahead and determine when the best time to run will be.  Some days, I run in the morning outside, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening.  It just depends on the day's activities.
  • Find what motivates you.  I add a sticker to my family wall calendar each day after I run and it helps to keep me motivated and on track.  Seeing the sticker reminds me that I have done something good for myself and in turn for my family.  When Momma feels better, everybody wins!
What motivates you? 


Monday, February 27, 2012

Menu Plan Monday ~ February 27th

Good morning!!  Around here, not planning dinner is not really an option.  If it gets close to dinnertime and I haven't planned it, my brain just shuts down!  So, I thought it would be fun to join Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday to find some new dinner ideas and share my own.  Each week I will post our dinner plans and eventually, I will add the recipes and points values for WW+. 

Monday - Meatballs with Mushroom Gravy, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit
Tuesday - Spaghetti with Homemade Garlic Cheese Biscuits
Wednesday - Frito Pie (YUM!) and Fruit
Thursday - Happy Birthday to Jacob! ~ Chicken Tacos and Fruit
Friday - Chuck E Cheese ~ Jacob Party Night
Saturday - Pan Fried Chops with Crack Potatoes and Fruit
Sunday - BBQ Chicken Sandwiches with Baked Fries and Fruit

Can you tell that we like fruit with dinner?  Ha! 

What's your favorite dinner?  What's on the menu at your house this week?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Family Fun Friday ~ Just Plain Me!

This week I am reminded of how very much God loves each of us.  When we meet someone new, we typically introduce ourselves by name and title.  Now the titles I'm speaking of are not those of royalty or power (well, that Mom title is pretty powerful), but those titles that we define ourselves by.  For me, I'm usually known as Charissa - Andrew, Jacob, and Caleb's Mom and sometimes as that girl who brings yarn to the ballfield everyday!  But this week a conversation with Caleb reminded me that God loves me just as I am.  And that it is more than ok to be just plain me!

One day, I was talking to Caleb and called him by his full name {Caleb Michael Smith} and he was quick to respond that he is not Caleb Michael Smith or even Caleb Smith.  He is just Caleb, plain Caleb.  So matter of fact.  So sure of who he is.  And so humbling. 

To God, we can be just plain us.  We do not need works or titles or associations.  God loved us before the foundation of the world and created us in His own image for His glory.  God loves us exactly as we are.  Just plain us.  It is so humbling to me to think that the Creator of the universe and the Sustainer of Life loves you and me as we are, just plain us. 

Lately, I have been reading a wonderful book titled Grace for the Good Girl:  Letting Go of the Try Hard Life.  This book is all about being who God made us to be and not trying to work for something that God wants to give us freely ~ His Love!

So next time we start thinking of all that we wish we were or all that we are responsible for, just remember that God loves us ~ plain us.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In ~ Week 8

Sweet Boys ~ Jacob, Caleb, and Andrew
As most of my IRL friends know, I've been working hard to lose some of the weight I've gained over the past 6 years.  So, I've decided to blog about the journey.  Each Wednesday, I will share a pic collage of my before, last week, and this week pics.  So here goes....  This week I am up a pound, but its sure to come back off next week.

The pound up might be from the wonderful birthday party my family threw for me.  Grandma Dee Dee's cooking is delicious! 

Jacob and Caleb at my 31st B-day party

Also, I will be sharing more information about what I have done to lose weight, one motivator is my family wall calendar.  Each day after I run, I add a "high five" sticker to the calendar.  Here's a quick pic from January.

I would love to hear from you!!  What have you tried to lose weight?  What worked?  What didn't?

~ Charissa

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Off to a great start!

Welcome!!  Let me take a moment to introduce myself and my sweet family.  I'm Charissa ~ wife, daughter of the King, Mommy to three of the sweetest boys you will ever know, and crochet prop designer.  I'm looking forward to sharing my love of crochet, my adventurous life, and my journey through weight loss. 

Until next time,
